Other Lands


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United Kingdom
An old land full of mystery with a deep history with Vampires.
An old land full of mystery with a deep history with Vampires.
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With a lot of land and myths coming together they can be a lot of things here that go bump in the night.
With a lot of land and myths coming together they can be a lot of things here that go bump in the night.
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United States Of America
With many other states for holidays and other myths and creatures to come from. Throughout history here Witches have been a very big focus
With many other states for holidays and other myths and creatures to come from. Throughout history here Witches have been a very big focus
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The largest land where it is rather cold a lot of the time not a lot of things survive in the wilderness here.
The largest land where it is rather cold a lot of the time not a lot of things survive in the wilderness here.
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Moving around. Finding where you belong. Going on holiday there are other lands to explore.
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